Bahamas 1935 - Vol 01 - Chanteys & anthems

Dalle registrazioni di Alan Lomax (anno 1935!) questi canti del mare e religiosi che provengono dall'arcipelago delle Bahamas

01 blow, liza, blow [#].mp3
02 roll him along.mp3
03 round the bay of mexico [#].mp3
04 bowline.mp3
05 long time ago [#].mp3
06 when you go to sea [#].mp3
07 histe up the john b. sail [#].mp3
08 john bully [#].mp3
09 stand up from below [#].mp3
10 when the whale get strike [#].mp3
11 a great storm pass over [#].mp3
12 mary, come join our religon [#].mp3
13 swing your tail [#].mp3
14 come down, you roses [#].mp3
15 o the last one [#].mp3
16 i may be gone [#].mp3
17 all night, jesus, all night [#].mp3
18 sittin' down 'longside of my lord [#].mp3
19 dig my grave.mp3
20 down in the valley [#].mp3
21 time [#].mp3
22 job [#].mp3
23 here am i [#].mp3
24 i bid you goodnight [#].mp3

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