BALLATE DA INGHILTERRA, SCOZIA, GALLES E IRLANDA Folk Songs of England, Ireland, Scotland & Wales - Classic ballads of britain and ireland (dalle ricerche di Alan Lomax)

01 - thomas moran - strawberry lane.mp3
02 duncan mcphee - the false knight upon the road.mp3
03 - fred jordan - the outlandish knight.mp3
04 - henry mcgregor - the douglas tragedy.mp3
05 - john strachan - the twa sisters.mp3
06 - jeannie robertson - lord randal.mp3
07 - mary ellen connors - edward.mp3
08 - john stickle - king orfeo.mp3
10 - cyril poacher - broomfield hill.mp3
11 - thomas moran - captain woodburn.mp3
12 - lucy stewart - the two brothers.mp3
13 - willie mathieson - the king's daughter.mp3
14 - thomas moran - lord bateman.mp3
15 - jessie murray - lord thomas and fair ellen.mp3
16 - ethel findlater - lord lovel.mp3
17 - elizabeth cronin - lord gregory.mp3
18 jeannie robertson - little musgrave and lady barnard.mp3
19 - jessie murray - barbara allen.mp3
20 - enos white - george collins.mp3
21 - george fosbury - false lamkin.mp3
22 - sarah anne tuck - the pricketty bush.mp3
23 albert beale - the bailiff's daughter of islington.mp3
24 carolyne hughes - the famous flower of servantmen.mp3

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